Bob Schreiber, Senator Maggie Hassan (NH), Danna Truslow
In March, I traveled to Washington, D.C. for the National Groundwater Association (NGWA) Fly-In and Water Resources Summit. With the uncertainty about budgets and support for many critical water resource and drinking water programs, it seemed like a good year to participate in this important effort to travel to our nation’s capital and speak to our elected representatives about important groundwater issues and funding needs. Prior to the meeting I communicated with colleagues and clients regarding their needs and interests and was armed with great information to share.
On the first day we were briefed on US Environmental Protection Agency, Department of the Interior and the US Department of Agriculture policy, the overall budget picture, and bills and initiatives being tracked and advanced by NGWA on water policy and infrastructure. The following day we received our schedule for meetings with senators and congresswomen/men from New Hampshire and Massachusetts. Bob Schreiber of CDM-Smith and I were paired to meet with senators or their staff in the morning and congressional representatives in the afternoon. We attended Senator Maggie Hassan’s coffee and had a chance to speak with her and her environmental policy aide (Photo below, l to r – Bob Schreiber, Senator Maggie Hassan (NH), and Danna Truslow). We also updated them on the issues and resources that NGWA provides on important topics such as polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and homeowner water wells. The visit restored some of my faith in our legislative branch. Not only were we able to provide new and important information but I was also impressed at how informed staff was on the many water resource topics important to their constituents.