Land Conservation Assistance and Grant Writing

Truslow RC works with municipalities, land trusts,  landowners, and natural  resource agencies to evaluate, plan and  protect public and private water and land resources. Understanding the land protection process and evaluating the conservation features of each parcel  is  often the first step.  Partnering with other agencies and funders throughout the state we can facilitate the process or offer professional guidance on a one time or long term basis in all matters related to land conservation.

Tree lined lane between stone walls, Rye, NH

Specific services include:

  • Natural resources and habitat evaluation and mapping
  • Researching appropriate grant or foundation support for projects
  • Grant and proposal writing assistance
  • Baseline Documentation Reports
  • Phase I Environmental Assessments
  • Easement monitoring of conservation lands

Clients include land trusts, watershed groups, municipalities , resource protection agencies, land use boards, and private clients.  Like our other services we regularly team or collaborate with other professionals and organizations to provide clients with the best talent and service for the job.

Land Conservation Funding, Sources, and Process: Useful Information