Kingston, NH, Aquifer Protection Ordinance Review and Update

The Town of Kingston, NH Planning Board engaged Truslow Resource Consulting through the Community Technical Assistance Program at Piscataqua Region Estuaries Partnership (PREP), to review and update their Aquifer Protection Ordinance.

A significant stratified drift aquifer underlies much of Kingston. Several ponds and rivers are situated within the aquifer and make up a valuable surface water-groundwater resource. The original aquifer protection ordinance was adopted in 1989 and has been periodically updated. The town wished to assure that the most vulnerable and significant aquifer areas are protected and determine if additional land use flexibility was possible in certain areas.

GIS mapping and background data review was completed to provide the town with the most up to date information regarding existing groundwater and surface water usage and potential contaminant sources. A modified aquifer protection ordinance was then developed after researching other recently developed town ordinances and model ordinances. The revised approach divides the aquifer area into two protective zones – Zone A is the most productive portion of the aquifer and is most likely to be used as a future municipal water source. Zone B contains considerable groundwater resources but the aquifer is generally thinner and potentially less productive. Ordinance modifications were presented as a warrant article for vote at town meeting and approved in 2012.


Services Provided

  • Resource Planning and Management
  • Hydrogeology and Source Water Protection
  • GIS Mapping and Analysis