Truslow Resource Consulting is a consulting firm that provides expertise in:
- Restoration Hydrology & Geomorphology
- Hydrogeology & Source Water Protection
- Pond Water Quality
- Groundwater and Surface Water Quality Sampling
- Resource Planning & Management
- GIS Mapping and Analysis
- Land Conservation Planning and Project Management

Pickering Brook © Bill Truslow Photo

Cocheco River Rapids

Wednesday Hill Brook Surficial Geology
The firm’s broad expertise in water and land resource issues allows Truslow RC to investigate and address broad resource management and restoration challenges. This big picture approach provides benefits for clients and stakeholders. Also, if projects require expertise beyond the scope of Truslow RC, we regularly collaborate with other professionals and organizations to provide the optimal team on a project and client specific basis.
Our clients include:
- Municipalities
- Homeowners and Landowners
- Land Protection Organizations
- Watershed and Community Resource Organizations
- Agencies
- Engineers and Resource Professionals
In addition to the services listed above, we also incorporate geomorphology and ecohydrology into many studies. Geomorphology is the study of landscape formation and alteration. Fluvial (flowing water) geomorphology focuses on the formation of and changes to stream pattern and flow. Geologic systems are always changing, but streams and rivers that are grossly out of balance can impact resource quality and infrastructure. Understanding current conditions and evaluating if a more natural stream system can be restored is the aim of much of the recent work in stream evaluation and restoration and fluvial erosion hazard mapping and control.
Ecohydrology is an emerging discipline that seeks to understand and restore hydrologic system function to biological communities.