Long Creek is a 2250-acre urban watershed in the Portland, Maine region. The impervious surface cover totals 630 acres and in its sub watersheds is as high as 61.2% and as low as 10%. Truslow Resource Consulting worked as hydrologic consultant to FB Environmental, Inc. on the first year of comprehensive water quality and hydrologic monitoring for the watershed.
Truslow RC worked with FBE to install six stream gauging stations at strategic locations within the watershed to evaluate stream flow and stormwater input to the watershed. Stream discharge measurements were made multiple times and stage-discharge relationships were developed. Automated data loggers at the gauging stations allowed for nearly continuous discharge monitoring.

Photo by Danna Truslow
Continuous water quality data was evaluated in conjunction with the continuous hydrologic and precipitation data to determine the runoff and water quality characteristics and stormwater discharge characteristics throughout the watershed. Storm hydrographs and baseflow hydrographs illustrated the range of flow characteristics throughout the year and the impact of impervious cover on the stormflow attenuation. The water quality and discharge information will be used to guide stormwater treatment programs within the watershed.
Services Provided
- Hydrology, Geomorphology, & Restoration
- Groundwater and Source Water Protection
- Resource Planning and Management