Cover page of USGS Cape Cod Report
From 2015 to 2017 as a member of the WaterVision LLC joint venture, TruslowRC managed and carried out a permeable reactive barrier hydrogeologic siting study on Cape Cod to evaluate site suitability for reduction of nitrates in groundwater using this technology. The project was completed for the EPA in conjunction with the US Geological Survey, the Cape Cod Commission, and the Towns of Falmouth, Dennis, Barnstable, Mashpee and Orleans. Co-authored by Danna Truslow, a USGS Scientific Investigation Report was published in July 2019 that details the background on the Southeast New England Program for Coastal Watershed Restoration (SNEP), the purpose of the siting study, the hydrogeologic work completed and the results and lessons learned as part of the investigation.
The citation and an online link is listed below:
USGS Scientific Investigations Report 2019–5047: Hydrologic Site Assessment for Passive Treatment of Groundwater Nitrogen With Permeable Reactive Barriers, Cape Cod, Massachusetts
Barbaro, J.R., Belaval, M., Truslow, D.B., LeBlanc, D.R., Cambareri, T.C., and Michaud, S.C., 2019, Hydrologic site assessment for passive treatment of groundwater nitrogen with permeable reactive barriers, Cape Cod, Massachusetts: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2019–5047, 39 p., https://doi.org/10.3133/sir20195047.
In addition to working on PRB studies on Cape Cod TruslowRC worked with Rockingham County Conservation District and Strafford County Conservation District on installed pilot projects in Durham and Brentwood, NH and is currently working in Kingston, NH on a PRBs surrounding two community septic systems for an assisted living community now under construction.