Piscataqua Region Environmental Planning Assessment (PREPA)

In 2009, the Piscataqua Region Environmental Planning Assessment (PREPA) was conducted to document the current status of environmental planning efforts and land use regulations for each of the 52 municipalities in PREP’s focus area. The assessment involved analysis of over 80 questions associated with municipal regulatory and non-regulatory approaches to resource management. The assessment was organized by the following theme areas including land protection, wildlife habitat, stormwater management, erosion/sediment control, wetland and shoreland protections, floodplain management, and drinking water source protection, among others. Data collected from the assessment was compiled by PREP into a database and analyzed for regional trends. Results were presented in a final project report (The Piscataqua Region Environmental Planning Assessment, 2010).

In 2013, an update of PREPA was conducted. Truslow Resource Consulting was hired to modify the database to accept the new incoming data, to conduct Quality Assurance and Quality Control (QA/QC) of the data, to perform queries, and to develop simplified, but useful and thought provoking figures for the updated PREPA report and PREP website.

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